PTPC held its 5th strategic Forum “Responsible and Innovative Public Investment” on 31 March 2016, at LNEC in Lisbon, with the presence of over 120 participants.

The session was dedicated to the topic of Public Procurement, considering not only the initial cost but also the life cycle cost of the projects, environmental aspects, innovation, (macro) economic and social aspects.
The first part of the event, after the opening session and the presentation of the Executive Committee of the PTPC, by Rita Moura, on the activity developed in the last year and the Strategic Vision, counted with the participation, as a speaker, of Maria João Estorninho, from the Faculty of Law of Lisbon, who presented “The revision of the Public Contracts Code in the scope of the process of transposition of the new European Directives”.
In the second part, the round table “Responsible and Innovative Public Investment” took place, moderated by Ricardo Batista, from Jornal Construir, with the following panel of guests: Valadares Tavares, from Instituto Superior Técnico; António Ramalho, from Infraestruturas de Portugal (IP), Mário Barros, from Mota-Engil; Alexandre Portugal, from COBA; Carlos Pina, from LNEC and Rita Moura, President of PTPC, who spoke about the dynamics of cooperation created by PTPC and the importance of the Public Procurement Code for the sector. There was a debate on how Public Contracting can and should be a fundamental instrument for a “growth economy” based on the “Innovation” factor.
The programme is available here.