The Portuguese Technological Platform for Construction (PTPC) is pleased to announce that the book “Rehabilitation Manual – Volume 1 – Rehabilitation of the built heritage: Characterisation and applicable legislation” is now available for purchase.

This Manual can currently be found at the following points of sale:
- Headquarters of the Southern Region of the Order of Engineers (10% discount for members of the OE);
- Livraria A+A at the Ordem dos Arquitetos (10% discount for AO members);
- PTPC – only by order through the contact
The book “Rehabilitation Manual – Volume 1“, was produced under the coordination of Professors Fernando F. S. Pinho (FCT NOVA) and Vasco Peixoto de Freitas (FEUP), with the contribution of 42 authors who wrote the 4 chapters of the book.
The presentation session of the first of the three volumes of the Rehabilitation Manual took place on January 6th, with a post-event summary available at . The recording of the session is available on the Youtube channel of the Southern Region of the Order of Engineers: here.