METABUILDING, Unleashing the Innovation Potential of EU Construction SMEs
METABUILDING is a 3-year Horizon 2020 EU Innovation project funded by the European Innovation Council and SME Executive Agency (EISMEA).
The consortium of 15 European partners joined forces to support SMEs from 6 European countries, bringing innovation to the “traditional” value chain of the Construction sector and expanding it to other industries. This enlargement will help SMEs to internationalise their activities and reach European markets.
In the frame of METABUILDING, 3.75M € will be available to finance 140 SMEs, boosting collaborative innovation projects belonging to one of the following industrial sectors: Construction Sector, Additive Manufacturing Sector, Nature Based Solutions, Circularity & Recycling Industries or Digital Industrial Sector.
Target counties: Austria, Italy, France, Hungary, Portugal and Spain
Start Date 01/06/2020
Completion Date: 31/05/2023
Total eligible cost: 6.5 M€
Objectives and expected/achieved results:
- Provide direct support -financial and non-financial- to SME innovation.
- Strengthen the competitiveness of SMEs through international collaboration.
- Support for SMEs to get out of the COVID-19 crisis through innovation.
- Stimulate the innovation potential of the Construction sector through cross-sectoral and cross-border collaboration.
- Establish a digital platform facilitating business and innovation in an enlarged Built Environment Sector.
To reach the mentioned goals, METABUILDING will promote Open SME Calls in the 6 target countries.
Find out about the Portuguese projects that were funded with up to 60.000€ in the last call:
Production using 3D printing of formwork for construction elements, incorporating plastic waste, Resifluxo
3DSUST-CON: 3D Printing for Sustainable Construction, XYZ LAB
Bio-EcoMATTER, Sabrab
ROOFING: ROof innOvative multiFunctional tIle using recycliNG, FAN 3D
StoneColorTracer, PAVESTONE
Find out the winners of the previous Calls here: