Multi AEC – Integrated Management of Multilaterals

Multi AEC – Integrated Management of Multilaterals

Project Code: POCI-02-0752-FEDER-046963

Intervention Region: North, Centre and Alentejo


Approval date: 23/11/2020

Start date: 01/07/2020

Completion date: 30/06/2023

Total eligible cost: 194 937,60 euros

Financial support from the European Union: 165 696,96 euros (ERDF)

Objectives, activities and expected/achieved results: The proposed project aims to strengthen cooperation and partnership activities in the AEC sector, promoting innovation and international competitive capacity, as well as the international promotion of the construction sector, contributing to leverage the presence of the business fabric in foreign markets, focusing on strategic geographies in which the efficiency, innovation and know-how of the AEC sector are recognized. This strategic goal is achieved through three main intervention axes (EI), namely:


  • EI1: Stimulation and consolidation of the internationalisation strategy of the AEC sector, ensuring its sustainability at national and international level;
  • EI2: Development and stimulation actions of international cooperation and promotion, as well as capacity building for the internationalisation of the AEC sector;
  • EI3: Increasing international visibility and recognition of the AEC sector.


In order to operationalize and follow up the proposed intervention approach, the AEC Cluster defined the following Operational Objectives (OO):

  • OO1: Creation of the Operational Network for mobilisation for Multilateral Institutions;
  • OO2: Conducting Working Visits to Multilateral Institutions;
  • OO3: Development of an Internationalization Plan;
  • OO4: Strategic capacity building, preparation of tenders and demonstration;
  • OO5: Collective Promotion of the AEC sector.


The Main Activities are:

  • Activity A1 – International Benchmarking:
    •  A1.1 – Creation of the Operational Network for mobilization for Multilaterals;
    • A1.2 – Carrying out Work Visits to Multilaterals;
  • Activity A2 – Intelligent Internationalisation:
    • A2.1 – Elaboration of Internationalisation plan;
    • A2.2 – Strategic Capacity Building actions, preparation of tenders and demonstration;
  • Activity A3 – Dissemination and Follow-Up:
    • A3.1 – Collective Promotion, Dissemination and Evaluation of Project Results.