PRESTIGE Applications

PRESTIGE Applications

Applications are open for the Prestige AEC Project, promoted and driven by PTPC / AEC Cluster, and funded by Portugal 2020.


The application period runs until 30 June and is intended to collect and compile images of reference objects of Architecture, Engineering and Construction in Portugal, for the publication of an author book representative of the AEC sector.

As candidaturas devem ser enviadas para o email

Applications must be sent to the emai, following the conditions established in the documents, available >here


The Prestige Project aims to divulge the excellence and the real capacities of the national companies of the sector, in an approach to the Multilateral Financial Market and through other actions of internationalization.


For that, we intend at this stage to receive the contribution of all the agents of the AEC sector, so the applications now opened have the objective to collect proposals to be appreciated and approved by a jury. At the end, this jury will select, according to the established criteria, which works shall integrate the book.


The book will include two artistic images of each selected work, to be photographed by Augusto Alves da Silva, an internationally renowned photographer with a professional background in engineering.