16 November 2022 – 17h30-19h00 – Civil Museum, Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon
“The great prominent factor in the investigation of buildings, without any doubt, is maintenance. […] The reality needs to be faced with technical and legal objectivity, focusing on the new legislation.”
The Maintenance in Buildings. Studies, techniques and applications will be launched at the Museu de Engenharia Civil (IST), on 16 November 2022, at 17h30. The session will feature renowned speakers, namely Luís Calado, Fernando F. Branco, Tito Lívio Ferreira Gomide and Inês Flores-Colen.
The event will allow a technical debate between the authors and the participants on the maintenance of buildings, its applicability and acceptability, in view of the practical use of the doctrine in the preservation of the life cycle of buildings.
The book is the result of the firm Luso-Brazilian technical partnership between Fundec (Association for Training and Development in Civil Engineering and Architecture), IST (Higher Technical Institute of Lisbon), the Engineering Institute and INBEC (Brazilian Institute for Continuing Education), which since 2015 have held events for the development of Diagnostic Engineering, with a focus on technical investigations of the main problems of buildings and other civil engineering works.
You can purchase the book, with 15% discount and free shipping until the launch date, here.